Origin: Colombia
Tasting Notes:Green Grapes, White Peach, Lime & Jasmine
Producer: Javier Quintero
Varietal: BourbonAruzi
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 1600 - 1700 MASL
About The Coffee:This coffee was grown by Javier Quintero at the farm Buena Vista. This coffee is harvested following strict ripeness criteria, floated and hand-sorted to remove any defects. Cherries were then exposed to 30 hours of underwater fermentation before being pulped. The parchment was then gently washed and then dried in temperature controlled conditions until ideal moisture content was achieved.
This variety was discovered in Inza, Cauca when a coffee tree was found to look very different from the typical coffee grown in the region. This unknown variety had a higher yield and was more resistant. As a result, some farmers began to grow this variety. Subsequently, the seeds were studied by a laboratory in London which found that the genetics and structure were similar to Bourbon Aruzi, a variety grown in Ethiopia