Origin: Guatemala
Farm/Region: Huehuetenango
Tasting Notes: Cooked peach, dried plum, and hibiscus.
Producer: Cuilco
Varietal: Caturra, Bourbon, and Pacamara
Processing: Washed
Altitude: 2200 MASL
Where It All Begins: Cuilco is nestled in the breathtaking Huehuetenango region of Guatemala, home to some of the most stunning coffee farms. Farmers here grow traditional varieties like Caturra, Bourbon, and Pacamara, while also experimenting with hybrids to keep things fresh and coffee thriving.
Community Select: For the Cuilco Community, coffee farming is more than just a job—it’s a way of life. The farmers care deeply about preserving their coffee lands and protecting the native forests around them. It’s a community effort! Small farmers come together, sometimes formally and sometimes just as neighbours to combine their coffees. This gives buyers traceability and allows the farmers to shine collectively. With expert guidance, these lots are fine-tuned to bring out the best in their flavour elevating the flavour profile, nuance, complexity, and quality beyond your average cup.
Washed Guatemalan Process: The washed coffee process in Guatemala is a unique method that varies by region due to its diverse terrain and climate. Typically, ripe coffee cherries are picked and depulped on the same or the next day. Then, they’re fermented for 12–48 hours (depending on the weather), washed clean, and dried on patios or raised beds. The result is a clean, crisp coffee that reflects the distinct character of the region it comes from.
Coffee region paradise: Huehuetenango, located in Western Guatemala near the Mexican border, is coffee heaven. Its high altitude, diverse climate, and abundant water sources make it one of the top coffee-producing regions in Latin America.
Guatemala’s coffee industry is as diverse as its people. Many farmers belong to one of the 20+ recognized indigenous groups, working as smallholders--either independently, within cooperatives, or loosely connected through cultural ties.
Community Select: For the Cuilco Community, coffee farming is more than just a job—it’s a way of life. The farmers care deeply about preserving their coffee lands and protecting the native forests around them. It’s a community effort! Small farmers come together, sometimes formally and sometimes just as neighbours to combine their coffees. This gives buyers traceability and allows the farmers to shine collectively. With expert guidance, these lots are fine-tuned to bring out the best in their flavour elevating the flavour profile, nuance, complexity, and quality beyond your average cup.
Washed Guatemalan Process: The washed coffee process in Guatemala is a unique method that varies by region due to its diverse terrain and climate. Typically, ripe coffee cherries are picked and depulped on the same or the next day. Then, they’re fermented for 12–48 hours (depending on the weather), washed clean, and dried on patios or raised beds. The result is a clean, crisp coffee that reflects the distinct character of the region it comes from.
Coffee region paradise: Huehuetenango, located in Western Guatemala near the Mexican border, is coffee heaven. Its high altitude, diverse climate, and abundant water sources make it one of the top coffee-producing regions in Latin America.
Guatemala’s coffee industry is as diverse as its people. Many farmers belong to one of the 20+ recognized indigenous groups, working as smallholders--either independently, within cooperatives, or loosely connected through cultural ties.
In 1960, growers banded together to form Anacafe, a national coffee institute that offers everything from research and marketing to financial support. But the journey hasn’t been all smooth sailing. A major outbreak of coffee-leaf rust in 2012 reduced yields by 25%, forcing farmers to adopt creative solutions such as organic and chemical treatments, aggressive pruning and replanting, replacing traditional varieties with rust-resistant ones
Thanks to efforts by Anacafé and World Coffee Research, farmers are now exploring resilient varieties and better farming techniques resulting in better-tasting coffee.
Programs like Regional Select are all about connecting farmers and buyers. By evaluating coffee through marathon cupping sessions, specific lots are identified and sorted by quality and region. These programs don’t just reward top-scoring coffees (84+ points) with higher prices—they also create a sense of community. Farmers gain access to stable markets, helpful feedback, and a well-deserved spotlight for their hard work.