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Pillar - Colombia Decaf – Espresso roast

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1850 masl

Caturra and Typica


Swiss water process

Dark chocolate, orange, and toffee.

In the cup: Soft and sweet orange tones underpin a rich and full body, with chocolate and toffee notes driving the flavour train.

Swiss water decaffeination process: Swiss water decaffeination removes 99.9% of caffeine from the green bean without eliminating any of the soluble compounds essential to good flavour and aroma.

The first step in the process is washing and hydrating the green coffee (it’s easy to forget that green coffee is dried). This brings the green coffee to the optimum moisture level for caffeine removal.

Next is the addition of soluble coffee solids, known as green coffee extract (GCE). GCE contains all the soluble solids within coffee—minus the caffeine, of course.

GCE is refreshed and continuously circulated for 8-10 hours until the desired 0.1% caffeine total is achieved. The caffeine is then removed from the GCE through a specially developed filtration system. The filter system is then regenerated and able to be reused for future batches.

With 99.9% of the caffeine removed, the green coffee is then dried and packed into grain pro bags ready for roasting.

The unique origin and distinctive flavour characteristics shine through in this single origin Colombian coffee that can be enjoyed any time of day or night.