Sitio Santa Catarina is a 28-hectare slice of paradise in Pedralva, 41 km southwest of Carmo de Minas. Coffee from this region has a distinctive mineral quality, most likely due to massive white stone deposits deep in the earth, which significantly impact soil composition and, in turn, the flavour characteristics of the coffee. In addition to this pleasant mineral quality, we found soft yellow fruit and an indulgent, creamy texture - the result of Natural processing. This combination of flavours and texture sets coffee from this farm apart from others we've purchased from Brazil. Now featured on our menu for the second year, this coffee will undoubtedly be a crowd favourite again.
Coffee was first planted on the farm in 1983 by Sebastiao Alexandre da Silva. Unfortunately, the crop was lost to a heavy frost in the region during the early years of production. In response, he chose to plant new trees on higher ground to avoid such events in the future and began producing coffee again. Improving quality has always been on the agenda, but a markable turning point in the story of this farm was forming a working partnership with CarmoCoffees. CarmoCoffees provide Sebastiao Alexandre access to the international specialty market and technical assistance regarding farm management, pruning, soil analysis, and harvest techniques. The recent construction of the Pedra Branca wet mill by CarmoCoffees has meant that consistency is now a defining factor in all coffee coming from Sitio Santa Catarina since they oversee the pulping and drying of Sebastiao Alexandre's coffee. We've experienced these results first-hand on the cupping table and are happy to be in our second year of direct trade with these legends.